Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Row.

Olsen twins fanatics! hear ye hear ye! some of you might have heard of MK and Ashley's new clothing line, The Row. named after London's Saville Row, the line feature tees , cardis, tailored jackets, pencil skirts, super skinny jeans and leather leggings, and now I hear they're going to include fur on their fall line up. anywhoo, those of you olsen fanatics can now purchase the same sophisticated baghag appeal MK and Ash is known for. but mind you, it doesn't come cheap! a tee might set you back less than $200. but what the heck! as i say! go for bloody broke! hahahaha.

hotness! I love the white tee! it's thin , it's light just like MK!hahahahahaha!

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